Friday 27 April 2018

Breast Complications

Common breast complications are

1.Breast engorgement
2.Cracked & retracted nipples
3.Mastitis and breast abscess
4.Failing lactation

Breast engorgement
  • Due to exaggerated normal venous & lymphatic engorgement preceding lactation, preventing escape of milk from lacteal systm.
  • Manifest after the milk secretion- 3rd -4th PPD
  • S/S- Pain, feeling of tenseness and heaviness in both breast, malaise, ↑tempt
  • Treatment-Support breast with binder & brassiere, ice bag, express milk or frequent breast feeding, analgesic
  • Prevention- Manual expression of the remaining milk & frequent breast feedings

Cracked Nipple
  • Due to a) loss of surface epithelium, causing a raw area b) fissure at the tip or base of nipple
  • Caused by 1)unhygiene –crust over the nipple 2) retracted nipple 3) vigorous suckling
  • Asymptomatic usually but if infection, it is painful due to mastitis
  • Treatment-keep nipple clean & dry, nipple shield during each feed, rest if worst and feed by expression, antibiotics ( oral & applicant)  and analgesic
  • Prevention-Local cleanliness during pregn and puerperium

Retracted nipple
  • Primigravida
  • If left uncorrected may predispose to cracked nipple- difficulty in breast feeding
  • Manual lifting of the retracted nipple during pregnancy is advisable.
  • After delivery, use of nipple shield is advisable.

Acute Mastitis

Mode of infection

2 different types of mastitis

  • Infection follows a cracked nipple to involve the breast parenchymal tissues leading to cellulites.
  • Infection gains access through the lactiferous duct leading to development of primary mammary adenitis
  • Responsible organism is Staph aureus- infection comes from nasopharynx of the baby.

Clinical feature
  • Symptom- Generalised malaise, headache, fever with chills
  • Severe pain and tender, swelling in 1 quadrant of the breast.
  • Sign- Wedge shaped swelling on the breast with the apex at the nipple
  •  Over lying skin is hot, flushed, tense and tender


  • Antibiotics- Cloxacillin, Cefalosporin
  • Analgesic 
  • Antenatal-Wash the nipple periodically to keep the patency of the duct opening.
  •  Breast feeding on the affected is suspended
  • Manual expression & prevention of engorgement of breast.

Breast Abscess
  • Swinging tempt
  • Reddened breast
  • Marked tenderness with fluctuation.

  • Antibiotics
  • Incision and drainage

Wound infection
  • Wound can be that of a CS or an episiotomy wound
  • Infection in the wound usually develops around the 5th to 6th POD
  • Take Swab from the wound and send for C/S 
  • Treat with antibiotics and daily dressing
  • Followed by secondary suture,

Chest infections
  • Usually following general anaesthesia in CS
  • Take x-ray chest and sputum for C/S
  • Treatment is with physiotherapy, warm saline gurgle, steam inhalation and antibiotics

Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
  • Usually occurs at around 7-10th PPD
  • Begins in the deep veins of the calf or soles of the feet and extend upwards
  • Often symptomless
  • Sharp dorsiflexion of the foot elicit pain in the calf-Homan’s sign
  • Slight rise of tempt & pulse.
  • These early S/S may be missed and detected only when pulmonary embolism has developed or when the generalised oedema of the leg has set.
  • Exercise in early puerperium is beneficial.
  • The foot end of the bed is elevated to increase the venous flow from the leg.
  • Antibiotics to prevent infection
  • Anticoagulant to prevent clot formation-Heparin.
  • After being afebrile the pt is encouraged to walk about with the affected leg supported by elastic bandage.

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