Friday 27 April 2018

Post Partum Blues, Depression and Psychosis

Post partum Blues

  • Occurs in around 50% of the women
  • Around 4th to 5th PPD
  • Usually self limiting though in rare circumstances progresses to postnatal depression.
  • Cure by support of medical practitioner is all that is required

Post natal depression

  • Onset at around 4th week PP 
  • Lasting for around 6 months
  • Family H/O mental disorder is usually present.
  • C/F are that of sleep disturbance, depression, social withdrawal, lack of worthiness of being a mother, suicidal thoughts, concern that she may harm her child
  • Management- Social support, refd to psychiatrist

Puerperal Psychosis

  • Occurs in 0.2% of the mothers
  • Onset is earlier than the postnatal depression
  • The chance that a mother may harm her baby is very high.
  • Serious condition the requires an expert psychiatric evaluation and treatment

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